Spiritual Warfare, Part 6 - Apr 29, 2015
This week Jim Osman and I discuss what may be the most prevalent spiritual warfare technique: Binding Satan. We hear it all the time from both charismatic and non-charismatic (at least those who profess to be such) adherents. How many times have we heard either a preacher of layman say, "I bind you, Satan, from..."? Can we really do this? Do we have the ability to bind Satan? Can we apply some type of spiritual handcuffs to the "god of this age" (2 Cor. 4:4) and thereby render him powerless? And, if so, why do we have to continue to bind him? Does he slip out of his spiritual restraints? Jim Osman walks us through this unbiblical notion and tells what the Bible really has to say.
Spiritual Warfare, Part 5 - Apr 13, 2015
We continue our discussion of Spiritual Warfare. This week we will be talking about hexes and generational curses. It is common nowadays to hear preachers (particularly those of the Word-Faith/NAR persuasion) speak of generational curses. If you have some besetting sin or things in your life just generally are not going as you wish, it may well be because someone in your family history invited in a demon that has set up shop in your bloodline. This demonic minion is now wreaking havoc in your world. It is also common to hear preachers speak of the necessity to break a curse because the sins of your fathers may be visited upon successive generations and you are the unfortunate, passive recipient of the consequences of their malfeasance. Are hexes real? Generational curses? Must we identify and then break these curses in order to live a victorious life? Jim Osman walks us through these issues and brings some much needed biblical clarity.
Spiritual Warfare, Part 4 - Apr 6, 2015
Hedges of Protection - We hear this all the time. If you want to protect a friend or loved one you must pray a hedge of protection around them. Once prayed into existence this hedge apparently becomes an impenetrable border which neither demons nor Satan himself can defeat - that is until the hedge for some reason breaks down and must be prayed up again. Is this biblical? Should we be praying hedges of protection? Jim Osman breaks it down for us.