Spiritual Warfare, Part 3 - Mar 30, 2015
There is much talk of demolishing strongholds among contemporary spiritual warfare "experts" today. They hold that in order to effectively engage in spiritual warfare, strongholds must be demolished per the teaching of the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Guess what? They are right! Demolishing strongholds is absolutely essential in spiritual warfare. The question, though, is this: what exactly are these strongholds? Are they what the experts say they are? And exactly what is it that we use to demolish them? Jim Osman, author of Truth of Territory, exegetes this text.
Spiritual Warfare, Part 2 - Mar 23, 2015
As with most of the ills which plague Christianity, the errors that are so common in the modern teaching regarding spiritual warfare are resultant from a departure of the sufficiency of Scripture. Most of the contemporary teachings on the subject are not at all derived from an exegesis of Scripture, but rather from psychology, overactive imaginations and even alleged conversations with demons. Whether it is binding Satan, breaking generational curses, spiritual mapping, or exorcising demons, these practices have scant support in the Bible. While something akin to them may be mentioned, they are all taken out of context and taken to lengths which the Bible never takes them. In today's program Jim Osman, author of Truth or Territory argues that it is a departure from the sufficiency of Scripture which has led to this rampant confusion.
Spiritual Warfare, Part 1 - Mar 16, 2015
This is the first of 11 programs we will be doing on Spiritual Warfare. My guest for each of these programs is Jim Osman, my friend and pastor of Kootenai Community Church in Sandpoint, Idaho. When we think of spiritual warfare today, most often we think of swashbuckling angels and demons the latter with which we must do battle. We are told that in order to live a victorious life that we must break generational curses, set up hedges of protection, and construct spiritual maps. Demons lurk around every corner and must be identified, rebuked, bound, and cast out of individuals, animals and even inanimate objects. Lately my wife, Kathy, and I have been watching a lady on the CTN Network named "Pastor Janet" (yes, an inherent problem right there) who hosts a program entitled You and Me. In this program she takes people's prayer requests and then proceeds to bind, sever and cast out demons of sickness, disease, pornography, alcohol, obesity - even the demon of car wrecks. The subject of spiritual warfare is one which has garnered a great deal of attention and interest but, unfortunately, almost everything written on it is wrong. Jim's book, Truth or Territory, cuts through all of the clutter and disinformation. He examines all of these nutty notions and presents what Scripture really has to say on this very important but almost universally misunderstood issue.
My Trip to Brazil - Mar 9, 2015
A couple of weeks ago I preached at a large conference in Brazil. In fact, it is the largest venue at which I have preached thus far. Some of you may have heard there was a bit of controversy on the trip in regards to some of what I was to teach and so I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about my trip. The trip was fruitful in many ways, though. It was also very encouraging to meet godly young men like Diego, Gustavo, Igor and others. Towards the end of the program I will play a short interview I did with Igor. The audio quality is not great but the content will surely be a great encouragement to you. For more, visit WorldViewWeekend.com and JustinPeters.org.
Rest For The Weary, part 7 - Mar 2, 2015
In this program we will wrap up our walk through Matthew 11:25-30. Jesus invited those who are weary and heavy laden to come to Him for His rest. The rest of God is synonymous with His salvation. We are to rest from our futile efforts of self reformation and non-meritorious good works. And yet, in order to be saved we must repent. So, how is it that in order to be saved we must repent (do something) and yet Christ offers to the weary His rest? Is this a contradiction? Not at all - when repentance is understood biblically. Genuine repentance is not something we do, it is done in us. Genuine repentance is granted by God. Also in this text Jesus says that we are to take His yoke upon us. What does this metaphor teach us about the oft debated question of Lordship Salvation? For more, visit WorldViewWeekend.com and JustinPeters.org.