Rest for the Weary, part 6 - Feb 23, 2015
In last week's program we discussed the sovereignty of God in our salvation. In this week's program we will discuss the responsibility of man. Jesus said, "Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden." This is the invitation of Christ which goes out to all men. Men are responsible. God is sovereign in salvation and yet man is also responsible. How can this be? This is called an "antinomy" in Scripture. We will also discuss the difference between a worldly sorrow and a godly sorrow over sin. The difference between these two types of sorrow is crucial. If you struggle with doubts over your salvation, this will be an important program for you. If you have a godly sorrow over sin, be encouraged. For more, visit and
Rest for the Weary, part 5 - Feb 16, 2015
In this program we continue our discussion of Matthew 11:25-30. Specifically, verses 26 and 27 in which Jesus said that it was "well pleasing" that the things of the Gospel were hidden from the wise and intelligent and revealed to babes. Why did this please God and what does it say about the purpose of the Gospel itself? Also, in verse 27 Jesus states "no one knows the Father except the Son and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." What does this say about the sovereignty of God in salvation? For more, please visit and
Trip to the Philippines - Feb 9, 2015
Many of you have asked about my trip to the Philippines. In this program I would like to tell you about our (Mike miller and his son, Jacob, went with me) trip. By God's grace, the teaching we presented bore good fruit and, we pray, will continue to do so. For more, please visit and
Rest for the Weary, part 4 - Feb 2, 2015
In this program we continue our temporarily postponed discussion of Matthew 11:25-30. Jesus praised the Father that the things of the Gospel had been hidden from the wise and intelligent but revealed to the "babes." What did He mean by "babes"? We will see that He did not have in mind a chronological measuring stick. He was not referring to age but to spiritual status. What does a childlike faith really mean and of what must we be mindful in dealing with children and conversion and baptism? For more, please visit and